This page is intended for the Southern Cross College Geography students of Year 11-13
Thursday, February 17, 2011
L2 Geography Oil in New Zealand
Question: What is Oil depletion and how has it affected New Zealand? Do we have other alternatives for energy sources in New Zealand? If so, What are they?
In 3-5 paragraphs answer the questions then blog post it onto the site.
Right now, we are in the middle of an era of oil depletion. draining the oil out of the earth like mosquito's to a child. anyways oil depletion is happening everywhere around the world...even in New Zealand. it's the process in which oil pumping companies drill holes leading to oil underground. oil depletion has had a big impact on New Zealand.
since the discovery of oil around the world and within New Zealand, global warming has taken a toll on the clean and green country. with the coveted petrolium; conserving the oil and natural gas has become harder because of this high demand. leading to more pollution in N.Z
slowing down this problem of pollution are other types of energy sources which supply additional energy to the country. these include power plants, wind turbines, solar powered devices and the new under-water Turbine. The under-water ocean turbine generates RENEWABLE energy. similar to the power generating process of dams but only using the natural force of currents in the ocean.
another very environmental friendly ways of producing renewable energy are the wind turbines which can be located in: Hamilton, Wellington, Lower Hutt, Palmerston North and other cities.
I forgot to mention in my previous comment, information on the other ways of energy generated without the need of oil. Wind Turbines in New Zealand harvest energy from the wind, the force of the wind rotates the blades of the Turbines which generate a friction thus leading to electrical charges being formed. which is very similar to the way the Under-water Ocean turbines work; these Turbines under-water harvests renewable energy from the currents of the water which also spin the blades of the Turbines creating electrical Charges. though this is a very new technology introduced to the world; it'll be the first to tap into the natural under-water forces.
*Oil depletion is the draining of oil or the shortage of oil. It is happening not only in NZ but globally. However, NZ uses large amounts of oil.
*It has affected NZ significantly as we are second to the United States in oil consumption and car use. A lot of NZ's oils are used on vehicles, particularly cars. In the 1950s instead of electrifying train systems, motorways were built instead, meaning more use of oil for public transport and also millions of cars. So, because of our high use of oil we will need to ration imported liquefied natural gas.
*We also use oil for the production of pesticides to keep bugs and pests away from our fruits and vegetables, so that our food is healthy and organic. However exporting this food is very expensive and there may also be a decline from overseas markets because they cannot afford our food.
*NZ hasn’t yet found an energy source that matches the energy potential of oil but we do have other alternatives for energy sources, such as wind power, geothermal power, solar power and small scale hydroelectricity. We could also use more fuel efficient cars, already available in NZ. This will mean cleaner air as cars won't release harsh fumes. With the lack of petrochemical based fertilisers and pesticides, our organic agriculture would be safer and healthier
What is Oil depletion? *Average of total world oil production *the shortage of oil.
How has it affected New Zealand? Oil depletion affects NZ a lot because we use a lot of oil we are 2nd to America and as the majority of people that live here use cars as their main source of transport as there are many roads here. Public transport in NZ is hugely underdeveloped and is not accessible to everyone therefore increasing the number of people that have/use cars.
Do we have other alternatives for energy sources in New Zealand? If so, what are they? The main sources of energy in NZ are oil and hydro power. Hydro power produces 70% of NZs electricity but we have to rely heavily on the amount of rainfall and water levels in our hydro storage lakes like the Waikato and Waitaki rivers which are in the North Island and the Clutha River in the South Island. There are a number of mining operations here as well but mining is very dangerous job and the decrease in mining employment will affect the amount of coal found so this as solar and wind power is also undependable. Alternative Energy Sources Yes NZ does have other significant energy sources like solar power which although is efficient but cannot be depended on as the sun does not shine 24hrs a day and is also very expensive. Wind power with the usage of wind turbines where they produce energy from the wind but this too is undependable as if there is no wind there is no power these are commonly found in farm lands or the country sides of NZ. By using these as alternative energy sources it will help increase the quality of our air, decrease flooded land from insulation of hydro stations and save wasted heat from another energy source in NZ thermal power.
Oil Depletion means that we are at a peak in our oil. New zealand is one of the places that really need oil for there is more and more people that are getting cars. New Zealand is a considerable distance from mostother countries. New zealand used larged amount of oil.
Peak oil is when in time reached their maximum rate of Petroleum extraction after which it enters terminal decline. Oil depletion happens in the second half of the production curve of an oil well or oil field.
Oil depletion is the second half of the production curve of oil well, oil field and the amount of the world oil production. Oil depletion is when oil is slowly running out because of the amount of oil that is being depleted because of the variety of difficulties exploiting these resources on a large scale.
Oil depletion is affecting New Zealand because there are too many vehicles now a days driving around and it’s slowly using up the petrol and oil. New Zealand may be forced to reduce its dependency on oil. New Zealand does not have the monetary or military to compete for oil, but New Zealand is the second of United States in oil consumption and car use. We use oil for the production of pesticides. With less oil available, our agriculture yields will reduce further.
Yes we do have other alternatives for energy resources in New Zealand and they are oil, coal, geothermal power, hydroelectricity, wind power and small scale.
What is oil depletion?how has it affected New Zealand?
Oil depletion occurs in the second half of the production curve of an oil well, oil field, or the average total oil production in the world.Therefore world oil depletion is currently as of 2008 at 85 million barrels per day. This model also assumes production will increase in the high-capacity countries as low-capacity countries become depleted. Green Party Spokesperson Rhys Davies believes that New Zealand should reduce its dependency on oil in order to save our environment. New Zealand maybe forced to reduce its dependenceon oil. In May 2009, the price of oil starts to increase and will continue to be volatile over the next 30 years.
How has it affected New Zealand?
New Zealand is not self-sufficient in oil production. Therefore New Zealand is on the edge of a lengthy and delicate supply chain for imported oil of which we could lose access to a share. In addition, we as new Zealander's don't have the monetary or the military resources to compete for oil.
Do we have other alternatives for energy sources in New Zealand?If so, What are they?
New Zealand's main sources of energy are oil and hydro power. Other significant sources of New Zealand energy include coal, gas, geothermal and thermally generated electricity. More and more, we are considering alternative and renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, and even nuclear power generation. Geothermal, system is located every where in the world, but high temperature geothermal fields exist in the Taupo region of the North Islands Central Plateau.
Oil depletion is a shortage of oil due to the high demand of oil. It has been a problem within New Zealand and also the world globally. Oil depletion has been caused by the use of oil for transportation, and also to maintain the growth of the animals by growing the food which they need which also uses oil.
Oil depletion has affected New Zealand in a lot of ways. In the 1950's a decision was made by politicials to make more motorways(roads) instead of making train railways. Therefore oil in New Zealand is cheap and people have a high demand of it because it is one of the needful resources within people's daily lives. For example, within Auckland it's self, nearly everyone within Auckland have a car. Therefore people are demanding more oil(petrol).
There are ways to produce use of oil which is also to use oil within the transport itself. The cars and other transportation need engine oil to keep the car going with also the use of petrol. Another way is decrease biofuel sales and many more.
Oil depletion occurs in the second half of the production curve of an oil well. The Hubberk peak theory makes predictions of any kinds of rates. Hubberk curves guess that production curves of non-renewing resources approximate a bell curve. So when the peak of production passes, production rates enter an exponential decline.
In the governments draft energy letter, it reads that apart from a statement that oil prices will rise, it fails to identify the risks to NZ’s energy security. There haven’t been any discussions about the threats to NZ of oil scarcity arising from
Oil depletion happens when the production curve of an oil well, oil field or the average of total world oil production has reached its second half. New Zealand depends higly on oil for electricity, running their cars and for economic benefits. Oil depletion effects New Zealand because without oil, New Zealand will not be able to create their full income or operate daily.
New Zealand has at least 5 other alternatives for energy sources. One is Wind energy. Wind energy already provides about 4% of New Zealand’s electricity, but will grow as more wind farms are set up around New Zealand. It is already being used at the Trust Power Tararua wind farm & one in Waikato. There are also plans for a wind farm to be built at Lake Hayes, Central Otago.
Hydro energy is another alternative energy source in New Zealand. It already accounts for 11.3% of New Zealand’s energy sources & 60% of electricity generated. It is found in the Waikato River catchment & in the Waitaki River & Clutha catchment in the South Island. The third alternative source is Geothermal energy. This source of energy produces about 10% of New Zealand’s electricity supply. They are found in the Taupo volcanic zone as well at Ngawha in Northland.
Solar energy is the fourth alternative energy source New Zealand already uses. 1.6% of New Zealand homeowners have currently installed solar water heating energy systems into their households. Lastly fossil fuel is another energy source alternative. Coal deposits are found throughout New Zealand and most are near Westport, Greymouth & Waikato.
Oil depletion happens in the second half of the production curve of an oil well, oil field or the average of total world oil production. Life in New Zealand is heavily reliant on abundant and cheap energy, much of which we get from oil and gas. Yet oil is a finite resource, and one that the world is rapidly using up.
New Zealand's main sources of energy are oil and hydro power. Other significant sources of New Zealand energy include coal, gas, geothermal and thermally generated electricity. More and more, we are considering alternative and renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, and even nuclear power generation
New Zealand relies on gas and oil for cheap energy. But oil is a valuable resource which is rapidly being consumed by the world. Oil is not a resource that will last forever, so eventually the oil in the world will run out having a huge impact on New Zealand. Right now oil is depleting all around the world. Oil depletion is the falling of oil supply, draining the oil from the earth for consumption. The shortage of oil in the world is due to the high demand for oil. Oil accounts for 40% of all energy use. The primary source of energy is oil. Oil is used for everything from transport to electricity. In New Zealand oil alone makes up 48% of our national energy consumption.
New Zealand is affected by the oil depletion problem. When the oil production peak occurs it will effect on New Zealand’s economy and society. The oil depletion crisis will effect New Zealand’s agricultural production which depends on machinery, pesticides, and the application of fertilizer, which are all dependent on oil. Also the manufacturing and electricity generation will depend on imported components.
Furthermore transport systems rely on cheap oil. Transport is a major issue as many people in New Zealand depend on public transport and their own cars to get them to where they need to go. When the problem of oil depletion kicks in simple tasks such as driving children to school will be a problem. A lot of the oil in New Zealand is used on cars and other vehicles. In the 1950s the decision was made for more motorways to be built rather than electrifying train systems. If the train systems were built instead, less oil will be used as fewer cars will be on the road as more people will to take the train as an alternative option.
There are many alternative energy sources New Zealand can and are exploring. Some include wind power, solar power, geothermal power, hydro power, and ocean power. Hydroelectric power in New Zealand is the largest source of electricity generation. Hydroelectric power makes up 70% of primary energy usage in New Zealand. Imported oil and oil products make up only 36%. Wind Power in New Zealand supplies 3% of New Zealand’s electricity needs. Whereas geothermal power in New Zealand provides 10% of the country’s electricity. It is described as the most renewable energy source as it does not depend on the weather. All of these ways reduce the need for oil; decreasing its chances of running out in the world.
What is Oil depletion and how has it affected New Zealand? Do we have other alternatives for energy sources in New Zealand? If so, what are they?
Oil depletion and energy constraint, everything from transportation to medicine to food to climate change response strategies will be affected. Almost everything we do is dependent on oil. New Zealand’s economy will be impacted upon by the challenge to air transport posed by oil depletion and association rising costs. It’s the process in which oil pumping companies drill holes leading to oil underground. Oil depletion has had a big impact on New Zealand.
Oil depletion is affecting New Zealand because there are too many vehicles now a days driving around and it’s slowly using up the petrol and oil. New Zealand does not have the monetary or military to compete for oil, but New Zealand is the second of United States in oil consumption and car use.
New Zealand's main sources of energy are oil and hydro power. Other significant sources of New Zealand energy include coal, gas, geothermal and thermally generated electricity. More and more, we are considering alternative and renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, and even nuclear power generation.
For over 100 years, the world has relied on fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas to meet their energy needs. The burning of fossil fuels produces carbon dioxide and other gases which accumulate in the Earth's atmosphere. The scientific consensus suggests that unless we slow the global warming effect, the world is heading for an environmental disaster.
Oil depletion occurs in the second half of the production curve of an oil well. Oil depletion is when oil is slowly going down because of the variety of people that are now using vehicles and it is using up gas and oil.
Yes it has affected New Zealand because we are using up too many oil. There are also too many vehicles driving around and it is causing oil to slowly run out. New Zealand is also second to United States and most of the people that live here are using vehicles as there number one transport, New Zealand is not self-sufficient in oil production. We also do not have enough monetary or military to compete for oil.
We do have other alternatives for energy resources they are hydroelectricity, wind power, geothermal, oil, coal and small scale.
Oil depletion is the reduction of oil, it is when too much oil is being used therefore increasing oil demand and it has been said that approximately half the world’s oil has already been consumed which will eventually leave us with nothing. As of 2008 85million barrels of oil have been consumed in the world every day therefore oil may only be around for 50years or so, which will then result in people returning to horses.
In Auckland alone almost every individual has a vehicle because not all places are accessible via public transport. This dilemma is contributing to the decrease of oil furthermore, we must ration the use of oil because as small a country as New Zealand we consume a lot more oil than larger countries such as Australia simply because of our public transport system is not as reliable. The more cars used, the more oil consumed therefore the world’s oil will deplete and eventually oil will become scarce. New Zealand is the second highest consumer of oil with America being the first, we have a high consumption rate of oil which is appalling seeing how small we are compared to large countries.
Energy sources such as wind farms, solar power, geothermal energy and hydro dams are alternative sources of energy furthermore, these are not guaranteed energy whereas oil is. Oil will supply energy at any time of the day despite the weather conditions but the energy sources mentioned are not a guarantee. Eventually, oil will be no more and alternative sources must be found now.
Oil depletion is the reduction of oil. Throughout the discovery of oil, it is said to be that we’ve already used about half the world’s oil and eventually oil will start decreasing majorly. Oil depletion is where too much oil is being used and from the prospective of the Green Party of Aotearoa, New Zealand, oil will be around for at least another 50years; maybe longer if the price of oil continues to rise and people find ways in order to use less oil. In New Zealand we have to portion out the amount of oil that we use. Almost everybody in Auckland alone, own at least one car and are using it more often than the public transport that is provided. Furthermore, the more cars being used; the more oil is consumed. The public transport is undeveloped in Auckland, leaving people to proceed the habit of using their personal vehicles in order to get to a certain destination. New Zealand is the second highest consumer for oil and car use throughout the world. Other alternatives that are able to produce energy and electricity are, wind power (uses wind to make power), hydro-generations (uses the dams to make electricity), geothermal generations , and also solar power (uses the sun to make energy). Although a few New Zealanders use these alternatives, it will not supply enough energy for the whole of New Zealand before our oil runs out. Oil will continue to deplete if we do not find ways which will decrease our use of oil and eventually oil will cease to exist.
Well oil depletion is everywhere in the world and it is in New Zealand too. Oil depletion is when oil is pumping, companies and drill of holes from underground. If there was less of oil in New Zealand then it would expensive to get oil. But here in New Zealand there are heaps of oils, making cheap to buy. Oil depletion is a non- renewable source if we use it the oil it will be gone forever and ever. New Zealand should take a look and wind power, solar power and geothermal power for alternatives.
Right now, we are in the middle of an era of oil depletion. draining the oil out of the earth like mosquito's to a child. anyways oil depletion is happening everywhere around the world...even in New Zealand. it's the process in which oil pumping companies drill holes leading to oil underground. oil depletion has had a big impact on New Zealand.
since the discovery of oil around the world and within New Zealand, global warming has taken a toll on the clean and green country. with the coveted petrolium; conserving the oil and natural gas has become harder because of this high demand. leading to more pollution in N.Z
slowing down this problem of pollution are other types of energy sources which supply additional energy to the country. these include power plants, wind turbines, solar powered devices and the new under-water Turbine.
The under-water ocean turbine generates RENEWABLE energy. similar to the power generating process of dams but only using the natural force of currents in the ocean.
another very environmental friendly ways of producing renewable energy are the wind turbines which can be located in: Hamilton, Wellington, Lower Hutt, Palmerston North and other cities.
I forgot to mention in my previous comment, information on the other ways of energy generated without the need of oil. Wind Turbines in New Zealand harvest energy from the wind, the force of the wind rotates the blades of the Turbines which generate a friction thus leading to electrical charges being formed. which is very similar to the way the Under-water Ocean turbines work; these Turbines under-water harvests renewable energy from the currents of the water which also spin the blades of the Turbines creating electrical Charges. though this is a very new technology introduced to the world; it'll be the first to tap into the natural under-water forces.
*Oil depletion is the draining of oil or the shortage of oil. It is happening not only in NZ but globally. However, NZ uses large amounts of oil.
*It has affected NZ significantly as we are second to the United States in oil consumption and car use. A lot of NZ's oils are used on vehicles, particularly cars. In the 1950s instead of electrifying train systems, motorways were built instead, meaning more use of oil for public transport and also millions of cars. So, because of our high use of oil we will need to ration imported liquefied natural gas.
*We also use oil for the production of pesticides to keep bugs and pests away from our fruits and vegetables, so that our food is healthy and organic. However exporting this food is very expensive and there may also be a decline from overseas markets because they cannot afford our food.
*NZ hasn’t yet found an energy source that matches the energy potential of oil but we do have other alternatives for energy sources, such as wind power, geothermal power, solar power and small scale hydroelectricity. We could also use more fuel efficient cars, already available in NZ. This will mean cleaner air as cars won't release harsh fumes. With the lack of petrochemical based fertilisers and pesticides, our organic agriculture would be safer and healthier
What is Oil depletion?
*Average of total world oil production
*the shortage of oil.
How has it affected New Zealand?
Oil depletion affects NZ a lot because we use a lot of oil we are 2nd to America and as the majority of people that live here use cars as their main source of transport as there are many roads here. Public transport in NZ is hugely underdeveloped and is not accessible to everyone therefore increasing the number of people that have/use cars.
Do we have other alternatives for energy sources in New Zealand? If so, what are they?
The main sources of energy in NZ are oil and hydro power. Hydro power produces 70% of NZs electricity but we have to rely heavily on the amount of rainfall and water levels in our hydro storage lakes like the Waikato and Waitaki rivers which are in the North Island and the Clutha River in the South Island.
There are a number of mining operations here as well but mining is very dangerous job and the decrease in mining employment will affect the amount of coal found so this as solar and wind power is also undependable.
Alternative Energy Sources
Yes NZ does have other significant energy sources like solar power which although is efficient but cannot be depended on as the sun does not shine 24hrs a day and is also very expensive.
Wind power with the usage of wind turbines where they produce energy from the wind but this too is undependable as if there is no wind there is no power these are commonly found in farm lands or the country sides of NZ.
By using these as alternative energy sources it will help increase the quality of our air, decrease flooded land from insulation of hydro stations and save wasted heat from another energy source in NZ thermal power.
Oil Depletion means that we are at a peak in our oil. New zealand is one of the places that really need oil for there is more and more people that are getting cars.
New Zealand is a considerable distance from mostother countries.
New zealand used larged amount of oil.
Peak oil is when in time reached their maximum rate of Petroleum extraction after which it enters terminal decline. Oil depletion happens in the second half of the production curve of an oil well or oil field.
Oil depletion is the second half of the production curve of oil well, oil field and the amount of the world oil production. Oil depletion is when oil is slowly running out because of the amount of oil that is being depleted because of the variety of difficulties exploiting these resources on a large scale.
Oil depletion is affecting New Zealand because there are too many vehicles now a days driving around and it’s slowly using up the petrol and oil. New Zealand may be forced to reduce its dependency on oil. New Zealand does not have the monetary or military to compete for oil, but New Zealand is the second of United States in oil consumption and car use. We use oil for the production of pesticides. With less oil available, our agriculture yields will reduce further.
Yes we do have other alternatives for energy resources in New Zealand and they are oil, coal, geothermal power, hydroelectricity, wind power and small scale.
What is oil depletion?how has it affected New Zealand?
Oil depletion occurs in the second half of the production curve of an oil well, oil field, or the average total oil production in the world.Therefore world oil depletion is currently as of 2008 at 85 million barrels per day. This model also assumes production will increase in the high-capacity countries as low-capacity countries become depleted. Green Party Spokesperson Rhys Davies believes that New Zealand should reduce its dependency on oil in order to save our environment. New Zealand maybe forced to reduce its dependenceon oil. In May 2009, the price of oil starts to increase and will continue to be volatile over the next 30 years.
How has it affected New Zealand?
New Zealand is not self-sufficient in oil production. Therefore New Zealand is on the edge of a lengthy and delicate supply chain for imported oil of which we could lose access to a share. In addition, we as new Zealander's don't have the monetary or the military resources to compete for oil.
Do we have other alternatives for energy sources in New Zealand?If so, What are they?
New Zealand's main sources of energy are oil and hydro power. Other significant sources of New Zealand energy include coal, gas, geothermal and thermally generated electricity. More and more, we are considering alternative and renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, and even nuclear power generation. Geothermal, system is located every where in the world, but high temperature geothermal fields exist in the Taupo region of the North Islands Central Plateau.
Oil depletion is a shortage of oil due to the high demand of oil. It has been a problem within New Zealand and also the world globally. Oil depletion has been caused by the use of oil for transportation, and also to maintain the growth of the animals by growing the food which they need which also uses oil.
Oil depletion has affected New Zealand in a lot of ways. In the 1950's a decision was made by politicials to make more motorways(roads) instead of making train railways. Therefore oil in New Zealand is cheap and people have a high demand of it because it is one of the needful resources within people's daily lives. For example, within Auckland it's self, nearly everyone within Auckland have a car. Therefore people are demanding more oil(petrol).
There are ways to produce use of oil which is also to use oil within the transport itself. The cars and other transportation need engine oil to keep the car going with also the use of petrol. Another way is decrease biofuel sales and many more.
To be continued....
Junior The Mahn
Oil depletion occurs in the second half of the production curve of an oil well. The Hubberk peak theory makes predictions of any kinds of rates. Hubberk curves guess that production curves of non-renewing resources approximate a bell curve. So when the peak of production passes, production rates enter an exponential decline.
In the governments draft energy letter, it reads that apart from a statement that oil prices will rise, it fails to identify the risks to NZ’s energy security. There haven’t been any discussions about the threats to NZ of oil scarcity arising from
Oil depletion happens when the production curve of an oil well, oil field or the average of total world oil production has reached its second half. New Zealand depends higly on oil for electricity, running their cars and for economic benefits. Oil depletion effects New Zealand because without oil, New Zealand will not be able to create their full income or operate daily.
New Zealand has at least 5 other alternatives for energy sources. One is Wind energy. Wind energy already provides about 4% of New Zealand’s electricity, but will grow as more wind farms are set up around New Zealand. It is already being used at the Trust Power Tararua wind farm & one in Waikato. There are also plans for a wind farm to be built at Lake Hayes, Central Otago.
Hydro energy is another alternative energy source in New Zealand. It already accounts for 11.3% of New Zealand’s energy sources & 60% of electricity generated. It is found in the Waikato River catchment & in the Waitaki River & Clutha catchment in the South Island. The third alternative source is Geothermal energy. This source of energy produces about 10% of New Zealand’s electricity supply. They are found in the Taupo volcanic zone as well at Ngawha in Northland.
Solar energy is the fourth alternative energy source New Zealand already uses. 1.6% of New Zealand homeowners have currently installed solar water heating energy systems into their households. Lastly fossil fuel is another energy source alternative. Coal deposits are found throughout New Zealand and most are near Westport, Greymouth & Waikato.
Oil depletion happens in the second half of the production curve of an oil well, oil field or the average of total world oil production. Life in New Zealand is heavily reliant on abundant and cheap energy, much of which we get from oil and gas. Yet oil is a finite resource, and one that the world is rapidly using up.
New Zealand's main sources of energy are oil and hydro power. Other significant sources of New Zealand energy include coal, gas, geothermal and thermally generated electricity. More and more, we are considering alternative and renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, and even nuclear power generation
New Zealand relies on gas and oil for cheap energy. But oil is a valuable resource which is rapidly being consumed by the world. Oil is not a resource that will last forever, so eventually the oil in the world will run out having a huge impact on New Zealand. Right now oil is depleting all around the world. Oil depletion is the falling of oil supply, draining the oil from the earth for consumption. The shortage of oil in the world is due to the high demand for oil. Oil accounts for 40% of all energy use. The primary source of energy is oil. Oil is used for everything from transport to electricity. In New Zealand oil alone makes up 48% of our national energy consumption.
New Zealand is affected by the oil depletion problem. When the oil production peak occurs it will effect on New Zealand’s economy and society. The oil depletion crisis will effect New Zealand’s agricultural production which depends on machinery, pesticides, and the application of fertilizer, which are all dependent on oil. Also the manufacturing and electricity generation will depend on imported components.
Furthermore transport systems rely on cheap oil. Transport is a major issue as many people in New Zealand depend on public transport and their own cars to get them to where they need to go. When the problem of oil depletion kicks in simple tasks such as driving children to school will be a problem. A lot of the oil in New Zealand is used on cars and other vehicles. In the 1950s the decision was made for more motorways to be built rather than electrifying train systems. If the train systems were built instead, less oil will be used as fewer cars will be on the road as more people will to take the train as an alternative option.
There are many alternative energy sources New Zealand can and are exploring. Some include wind power, solar power, geothermal power, hydro power, and ocean power. Hydroelectric power in New Zealand is the largest source of electricity generation. Hydroelectric power makes up 70% of primary energy usage in New Zealand. Imported oil and oil products make up only 36%. Wind Power in New Zealand supplies 3% of New Zealand’s electricity needs. Whereas geothermal power in New Zealand provides 10% of the country’s electricity. It is described as the most renewable energy source as it does not depend on the weather. All of these ways reduce the need for oil; decreasing its chances of running out in the world.
What is Oil depletion and how has it affected New Zealand? Do we have other alternatives for energy sources in New Zealand? If so, what are they?
Oil depletion and energy constraint, everything from transportation to medicine to food to climate change response strategies will be affected. Almost everything we do is dependent on oil. New Zealand’s economy will be impacted upon by the challenge to air transport posed by oil depletion and association rising costs. It’s the process in which oil pumping companies drill holes leading to oil underground. Oil depletion has had a big impact on New Zealand.
Oil depletion is affecting New Zealand because there are too many vehicles now a days driving around and it’s slowly using up the petrol and oil. New Zealand does not have the monetary or military to compete for oil, but New Zealand is the second of United States in oil consumption and car use.
New Zealand's main sources of energy are oil and hydro power. Other significant sources of New Zealand energy include coal, gas, geothermal and thermally generated electricity. More and more, we are considering alternative and renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, and even nuclear power generation.
For over 100 years, the world has relied on fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas to meet their energy needs. The burning of fossil fuels produces carbon dioxide and other gases which accumulate in the Earth's atmosphere. The scientific consensus suggests that unless we slow the global warming effect, the world is heading for an environmental disaster.
Oil depletion occurs in the second half of the production curve of an oil well. Oil depletion is when oil is slowly going down because of the variety of people that are now using vehicles and it is using up gas and oil.
Yes it has affected New Zealand because we are using up too many oil. There are also too many vehicles driving around and it is causing oil to slowly run out. New Zealand is also second to United States and most of the people that live here are using vehicles as there number one transport, New Zealand is not self-sufficient in oil production. We also do not have enough monetary or military to compete for oil.
We do have other alternatives for energy resources they are hydroelectricity, wind power, geothermal, oil, coal and small scale.
Oil depletion is the reduction of oil, it is when too much oil is being used therefore increasing oil demand and it has been said that approximately half the world’s oil has already been consumed which will eventually leave us with nothing. As of 2008 85million barrels of oil have been consumed in the world every day therefore oil may only be around for 50years or so, which will then result in people returning to horses.
In Auckland alone almost every individual has a vehicle because not all places are accessible via public transport. This dilemma is contributing to the decrease of oil furthermore, we must ration the use of oil because as small a country as New Zealand we consume a lot more oil than larger countries such as Australia simply because of our public transport system is not as reliable. The more cars used, the more oil consumed therefore the world’s oil will deplete and eventually oil will become scarce. New Zealand is the second highest consumer of oil with America being the first, we have a high consumption rate of oil which is appalling seeing how small we are compared to large countries.
Energy sources such as wind farms, solar power, geothermal energy and hydro dams are alternative sources of energy furthermore, these are not guaranteed energy whereas oil is. Oil will supply energy at any time of the day despite the weather conditions but the energy sources mentioned are not a guarantee. Eventually, oil will be no more and alternative sources must be found now.
Oil depletion is the reduction of oil. Throughout the discovery of oil, it is said to be that we’ve already used about half the world’s oil and eventually oil will start decreasing majorly. Oil depletion is where too much oil is being used and from the prospective of the Green Party of Aotearoa, New Zealand, oil will be around for at least another 50years; maybe longer if the price of oil continues to rise and people find ways in order to use less oil.
In New Zealand we have to portion out the amount of oil that we use. Almost everybody in Auckland alone, own at least one car and are using it more often than the public transport that is provided. Furthermore, the more cars being used; the more oil is consumed. The public transport is undeveloped in Auckland, leaving people to proceed the habit of using their personal vehicles in order to get to a certain destination. New Zealand is the second highest consumer for oil and car use throughout the world.
Other alternatives that are able to produce energy and electricity are, wind power (uses wind to make power), hydro-generations (uses the dams to make electricity), geothermal generations , and also solar power (uses the sun to make energy). Although a few New Zealanders use these alternatives, it will not supply enough energy for the whole of New Zealand before our oil runs out. Oil will continue to deplete if we do not find ways which will decrease our use of oil and eventually oil will cease to exist.
Well oil depletion is everywhere in the world and it is in New Zealand too. Oil depletion is when oil is pumping, companies and drill of holes from underground. If there was less of oil in New Zealand then it would expensive to get oil. But here in New Zealand there are heaps of oils, making cheap to buy. Oil depletion is a non- renewable source if we use it the oil it will be gone forever and ever. New Zealand should take a look and wind power, solar power and geothermal power for alternatives.
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