This page is intended for the Southern Cross College Geography students of Year 11-13
Thursday, March 24, 2011
L2 - The Age of Oil
Imagine that we have reached Peak Oil in New Zealand today. How would you promote sustainability in your local community? What are some alternative energy sources your community could use? Use specific examples in your answers.
It is now 12/21/12. We have reached the pinnacle limit of our oil depletion. The oil prices are now at $17/litre. I am the head of "The Alternative Living Insight" (T.A.L.I) and with 77 Major franchises world-wide I have found ways for the community of Mangere to use sustainable, renewable energy sources.
For one, my company has invented the all-new Genecycle which lets you bike to places while a electrical charge created by the rotation of the chain is stored into a portable battery with a capacity of 10mW. I have created jobs for the community to do; this includes part-time jobs physically generating energy (Cycling generators to store energy) and you can maintain your family with the income included.
To sustain renewable energy sources which are environmentally friendly i would also set up Wind Turbines and put Solar Panels over the Mangere town centre. I'm trying my best to sustain stability between the Mangere community and the energy created. This is also taking place in other towns like Otara, Otahuhu and Onehunga.
To promote environmentally friendly ways to travel, i gave all families within Mangere 3 genecycles each to start making a change in the way we live for the better.
To help promote sustainability in my community due to the arrival of peak oil in NZ I would encourage the use of alternative energy sources such as wind power solar panels and hydro generation by placing adds in the newspaper magazines televisions or any place the public has esay access to and maybe even going door to door explaining both positive and negative effects to hopefully convince them to use these alternative enrgy sources to help the sustainability of the community and country. I would choose to promote solar/wind power and hydro-generation because they are very effective and efficient for example sun wind and water are natural elements that are present mostly all the time. The sun doesnt shine 24/7 but creates a guranteed source of energy for the period of time the sun is shining, the world contains 70% water and 30% land making hydro generation an abundant source of energy the availability of these alternative energy makes them reuseable or a renewable source of energy.
If peak oil reached NZ, i would promote the use of wind turbines and solar panels here in Mangere as we get plenty of wind and sunshine here, sometimes both at one time. Every neighbourhood would be supplied with a wind farm and plenty of solar panels. This would not only save our families from tax cuts but also prevent global warning and climate change to slow down with the loss of carbon emissions from the burning of oil. Everyone is now walking or biking to work to enhance their energy levels, keep them fit and preventing car accidents.
Well, I will promote my local community by persuade them to use a minimum of oil and to save as much oil as they can. I will try and make a plan or a community meeting that will help people to understand what will happen if they continued to use oil too much. I will promote them by using television ads, posters and flyers, to use oil wisely and to know the consequences when it Oil just disappear forever. I will promote the by cutting down the use of oil and try to balance our needs with what we have left so that everyone will get a share of oil equal or use renewable alternative energy source.
In my community I will promote them to use renewable alternative energy source like solar panel, wind turbine etc. because they are environmentally friendly energy that causes less harm to the environment to people and to all living thing in the world. If the community continues using this alternative energy source our environment will be safer and a healthier community.
To promote a sustainable way of living in my local community, when peak oil has been reached, I would seek ways in order for people to live without oil by changing that way we get our energy, and produce our food. I will aim to lessen our dependency on oil by providing alternative energy sources in our local community.
Promoting organic food will help with promoting sustainability. The production of pesticides relies on oil. Without oil, organic food will be produced. This organic food will be better and healthier for people to consume. This will also cause our economy to experience a new sector, by exporting organic goods, leading to an increase in New Zealand’s income. Our local community will produce their own food while living sustainably without oil. Our community will save money and have a cleaner environment. Organic food will have a positive impact on the community in terms of health and money.
There are many ways our local community can get energy. The most environmentally friendly and sustainable way is by using alternative energy sources. Alternative energy sources include solar power, wind power, and micro hydro-generation. All of these renewable energy sources are able to be replaced and do not produce harmful greenhouse gases. Furthermore they all can be used in our community to substitute the need of oil. Micro hydro- power is an efficient and reliable energy source. The electricity can be delivered as far as a mile away to the location where it is being used. Micro-hydro is able to power individual houses or small communities that have access to a suitable stream. Solar panels can be installed in homes and businesses. Wind farms can be built providing energy to our local community. These alternative energy sources will help promote sustainability in our local community.
Oh no we have reached peak oil everyone. Its not the end of the world. But now everything's going to change how we live and how we eat. I will promote sustainability in my local community by coming up as an headliner on TV, the radio and even your phones and yell out "WE HAVE REACHED PEAK OIL EVERYONE". Some alternative energy sources that my community could use are solar power, wind, hydro-generations, wave etc. These alternative energy sources can help us by still doing our every day life, getting power, electricity but differently now that we have reached peak oil. The solar power can help us still by getting the energy by the sun during the day. Same with the wind. The huge fans on mountains help us by getting energy by wind blowing the fans hard out, with strong winds especially when the huge fans are on mountains then you get massive energy. So thats it everyone, everyone and everything's going to change in the world. This is your leader speaking. Leader out.
New Zealand has, like other countries, finally reached the point of which oil is now exhausted. Of course, people will panic. People will be so terrified, they may let off dreadful odors from their backsides making global warming even more worse. But, in these times of trouble and devastation, when all hope is gone from everyone, a hero is awaken. Who better to lead the once civilized people of the world...okay, who better to lead the once civilized people of New Zealand, than I? Shut it, it was a rhetorical question! As I was typing, I will come up with new innovative ideas which will benefit New Zealand and hopefully abroad. Firstly, constructing millions of solar panels in a deserted but sunny area of the country will be a great way of generating energy. Who needs diesel anymore? Cars will now be made only to run on electricity which will be great as the proposed solar panels will generate the needed energy to power the cars. This will prove flashy, cheap and environmentally friendly. The three most positive things humans like to hear. All houses can also be fitted with a solar panel unit so each house is responsible for their own electricity. If the kids from next door breaks the solar panel of a household with their rugby ball, then the frustrated household can pay for a new one. We can go further by constructing wind farms and also wind turbines which can be built under water so that the strong waves can power its blades. We can especially build them in seas near the islands as cyclones and frequent storms will help with the constant flow of the turbines. All energy will be harnessed back in New Zealand of course and we can charge the Islands twice as much if they want some of our energy. This may lead to bankruptcy in many islands but as someone once said "the lesser economies in the world, the lesser the chances of global warming". It'll be worth it because financially, we don't lose anything and all of our aid money towards pacific islands will not be needed now. It is a win-win situation. I will spread the word by hiring people to randomly shout out the proposed environmental plans through community centres. This will ensure that some people may miss out on the message so they won't be able to complain should they disagree with what I propose. Another alternative we can apply to replace oil and reduce global warming is to invest in researching new chemical substances which will act as a substitute for oil, is able to maintain the same functions of oil but does not produce carbon dioxide or is toxic to the environment. I propose to research in minerals from Antarctica as there will be plenty for New Zealand.
In addition, Another notion is to use water (H₂o) as the primary source of energy for all energy consuming products. There is a surplus of water in the world so we only need to find ways of successfully converting water's useless properties into something which can really benefit society. On the plus side, should we manage to succeed in achieving the unthinkable, we will save the world, or at least save for a little longer as consumption of the water will prevent flooding as scientist's have been alleging over the years. We can use the melting waters of Antarctica to instead power cars. The oxygen generated by the car will float back into the atmosphere and fall as rain meaning there is a continuous cycle of water so water will never be scarce unless you live in Egypt. Another brilliant brainwave, conducted by none other than myself, is to recycle all rubbish contents and turn it into a new source of energy. If we could crush materials we don't need such as rocks so hard that it melts, we can use the liquid formed to serve as a alternative source of energy. Just like in Christchurch, if liquefaction occurs, we can scoop up all that crushed, useless stuff and use it instead to produce some kind of environmentally friendly energy. Perhaps we can burn it to generate energy and the gases let off will hopefully be carbon dioxide, monoxide, etc-oxide. free. This will benefit me hugely, I mean, this will benefit the whole country hugely as we are cheating mother nature by turning some of her most disgusting substances into renewable energy which can only mean a lot $$$ in the near future. I could go on but HM Queen Elizabeth II awaits me. Ciao.
It is now 12/21/12. We have reached the pinnacle limit of our oil depletion. The oil prices are now at $17/litre. I am the head of "The Alternative Living Insight" (T.A.L.I) and with 77 Major franchises world-wide I have found ways for the community of Mangere to use sustainable, renewable energy sources.
For one, my company has invented the all-new Genecycle which lets you bike to places while a electrical charge created by the rotation of the chain is stored into a portable battery with a capacity of 10mW. I have created jobs for the community to do; this includes part-time jobs physically generating energy (Cycling generators to store energy) and you can maintain your family with the income included.
To sustain renewable energy sources which are environmentally friendly i would also set up Wind Turbines and put Solar Panels over the Mangere town centre. I'm trying my best to sustain stability between the Mangere community and the energy created. This is also taking place in other towns like Otara, Otahuhu and Onehunga.
To promote environmentally friendly ways to travel, i gave all families within Mangere 3 genecycles each to start making a change in the way we live for the better.
I am a friend of Earth.
To help promote sustainability in my community due to the arrival of peak oil in NZ I would encourage the use of alternative energy sources such as wind power solar panels and hydro generation by placing adds in the newspaper magazines televisions or any place the public has esay access to and maybe even going door to door explaining both positive and negative effects to hopefully convince them to use these alternative enrgy sources to help the sustainability of the community and country. I would choose to promote solar/wind power and hydro-generation because they are very effective and efficient for example sun wind and water are natural elements that are present mostly all the time. The sun doesnt shine 24/7 but creates a guranteed source of energy for the period of time the sun is shining, the world contains 70% water and 30% land making hydro generation an abundant source of energy the availability of these alternative energy makes them reuseable or a renewable source of energy.
If peak oil reached NZ, i would promote the use of wind turbines and solar panels here in Mangere as we get plenty of wind and sunshine here, sometimes both at one time. Every neighbourhood would be supplied with a wind farm and plenty of solar panels. This would not only save our families from tax cuts but also prevent global warning and climate change to slow down with the loss of carbon emissions from the burning of oil. Everyone is now walking or biking to work to enhance their energy levels, keep them fit and preventing car accidents.
Well, I will promote my local community by persuade them to use a minimum of oil and to save as much oil as they can. I will try and make a plan or a community meeting that will help people to understand what will happen if they continued to use oil too much. I will promote them by using television ads, posters and flyers, to use oil wisely and to know the consequences when it Oil just disappear forever. I will promote the by cutting down the use of oil and try to balance our needs with what we have left so that everyone will get a share of oil equal or use renewable alternative energy source.
In my community I will promote them to use renewable alternative energy source like solar panel, wind turbine etc. because they are environmentally friendly energy that causes less harm to the environment to people and to all living thing in the world. If the community continues using this alternative energy source our environment will be safer and a healthier community.
To promote a sustainable way of living in my local community, when peak oil has been reached, I would seek ways in order for people to live without oil by changing that way we get our energy, and produce our food. I will aim to lessen our dependency on oil by providing alternative energy sources in our local community.
Promoting organic food will help with promoting sustainability. The production of pesticides relies on oil. Without oil, organic food will be produced. This organic food will be better and healthier for people to consume. This will also cause our economy to experience a new sector, by exporting organic goods, leading to an increase in New Zealand’s income. Our local community will produce their own food while living sustainably without oil. Our community will save money and have a cleaner environment. Organic food will have a positive impact on the community in terms of health and money.
There are many ways our local community can get energy. The most environmentally friendly and sustainable way is by using alternative energy sources. Alternative energy sources include solar power, wind power, and micro hydro-generation. All of these renewable energy sources are able to be replaced and do not produce harmful greenhouse gases. Furthermore they all can be used in our community to substitute the need of oil. Micro hydro- power is an efficient and reliable energy source. The electricity can be delivered as far as a mile away to the location where it is being used. Micro-hydro is able to power individual houses or small communities that have access to a suitable stream. Solar panels can be installed in homes and businesses. Wind farms can be built providing energy to our local community. These alternative energy sources will help promote sustainability in our local community.
Oh no we have reached peak oil everyone. Its not the end of the world. But now everything's going to change how we live and how we eat. I will promote sustainability in my local community by coming up as an headliner on TV, the radio and even your phones and yell out "WE HAVE REACHED PEAK OIL EVERYONE". Some alternative energy sources that my community could use are solar power, wind, hydro-generations, wave etc. These alternative energy sources can help us by still doing our every day life, getting power, electricity but differently now that we have reached peak oil. The solar power can help us still by getting the energy by the sun during the day. Same with the wind. The huge fans on mountains help us by getting energy by wind blowing the fans hard out, with strong winds especially when the huge fans are on mountains then you get massive energy. So thats it everyone, everyone and everything's going to change in the world. This is your leader speaking. Leader out.
New Zealand has, like other countries, finally reached the point of which oil is now exhausted. Of course, people will panic. People will be so terrified, they may let off dreadful odors from their backsides making global warming even more worse. But, in these times of trouble and devastation, when all hope is gone from everyone, a hero is awaken. Who better to lead the once civilized people of the world...okay, who better to lead the once civilized people of New Zealand, than I? Shut it, it was a rhetorical question! As I was typing, I will come up with new innovative ideas which will benefit New Zealand and hopefully abroad. Firstly, constructing millions of solar panels in a deserted but sunny area of the country will be a great way of generating energy. Who needs diesel anymore? Cars will now be made only to run on electricity which will be great as the proposed solar panels will generate the needed energy to power the cars. This will prove flashy, cheap and environmentally friendly. The three most positive things humans like to hear. All houses can also be fitted with a solar panel unit so each house is responsible for their own electricity. If the kids from next door breaks the solar panel of a household with their rugby ball, then the frustrated household can pay for a new one. We can go further by constructing wind farms and also wind turbines which can be built under water so that the strong waves can power its blades. We can especially build them in seas near the islands as cyclones and frequent storms will help with the constant flow of the turbines. All energy will be harnessed back in New Zealand of course and we can charge the Islands twice as much if they want some of our energy. This may lead to bankruptcy in many islands but as someone once said "the lesser economies in the world, the lesser the chances of global warming". It'll be worth it because financially, we don't lose anything and all of our aid money towards pacific islands will not be needed now. It is a win-win situation. I will spread the word by hiring people to randomly shout out the proposed environmental plans through community centres. This will ensure that some people may miss out on the message so they won't be able to complain should they disagree with what I propose. Another alternative we can apply to replace oil and reduce global warming is to invest in researching new chemical substances which will act as a substitute for oil, is able to maintain the same functions of oil but does not produce carbon dioxide or is toxic to the environment. I propose to research in minerals from Antarctica as there will be plenty for New Zealand.
In addition, Another notion is to use water (H₂o) as the primary source of energy for all energy consuming products. There is a surplus of water in the world so we only need to find ways of successfully converting water's useless properties into something which can really benefit society. On the plus side, should we manage to succeed in achieving the unthinkable, we will save the world, or at least save for a little longer as consumption of the water will prevent flooding as scientist's have been alleging over the years. We can use the melting waters of Antarctica to instead power cars. The oxygen generated by the car will float back into the atmosphere and fall as rain meaning there is a continuous cycle of water so water will never be scarce unless you live in Egypt. Another brilliant brainwave, conducted by none other than myself, is to recycle all rubbish contents and turn it into a new source of energy. If we could crush materials we don't need such as rocks so hard that it melts, we can use the liquid formed to serve as a alternative source of energy. Just like in Christchurch, if liquefaction occurs, we can scoop up all that crushed, useless stuff and use it instead to produce some kind of environmentally friendly energy. Perhaps we can burn it to generate energy and the gases let off will hopefully be carbon dioxide, monoxide, etc-oxide. free. This will benefit me hugely, I mean, this will benefit the whole country hugely as we are cheating mother nature by turning some of her most disgusting substances into renewable energy which can only mean a lot $$$ in the near future. I could go on but HM Queen Elizabeth II awaits me. Ciao.
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