Endangered species if you didn't know are races (kinds) of Animals, Living creatures that dwindle in population numbers. Take for example Sumatran Tiger. These beasts thrived in numbers but now it has reached an all-time low. Numbers have dwindled from thousands to below a mere thousand, Due to poachers hunting them for their valuable fur.
Why should we save these species? Plants and animals are responsible for a variety of useful medications. In fact, 40% of all prescriptions written today are composed from the natural compounds of different species. These species not only save lives, but they contribute to prospering pharmaceutical industries which in turn ensure the continuity of our species but at what cost?
Endangered species aren't just animals, they are also plants. There are over 80,000 edible plants in the world but the human population only depends upon 20 species to provide food. Endangered species of plant contains essential Disease-resistant material; which helps plant crops in inadequate landscapes/soil.
Those are just very few of the many reasons why we should save endangered species, because we are pretty much nothing without particular species.
I forgot to state examples of different species located in different parts of the world. One example is the Panda bear. It is Chinas national icon. These bears have come so close to extinction because of poachers. Panda bears can only have 2 cubs, and only 50% of the offspring survive birth, Most of the time due to the mother leaving one and taking another.
Another example of an endangered species is the well-known blue whale. It’s the biggest animal on earth; also the loudest but hardly ever heard and weighs up to hundreds of tonnes. The Japanese are the sole cause of this mass extermination of the blue whale, but it’s not only the blue whale; this is also for any other whale to cross paths with a Japanese whaling ship. Whale meat in japan is a delicacy because of the tender blubbery meat.
Last but not the most least is located in the hostile landscapes of the Antarctic, there exists a very predatory bear, the polar bear. The name is given to this bear because of its habitat being in the south "pole". This species of bear is at its peak due to global warming melting the ice caps, waste such as rubbish and water pollution drifting to the South Pole contaminating the waters for the bears and their food chain. Most of the species coming to a point where they are close to extinction is caused by the destructive nature of the human species.
The big deal about saving the endangered species in this world is balance. Everything's suppose to be balanced in the world, the same, freedom, no threat, no harm, no extinction. The animals have rights, freedom just like us. They are just a living soul like us trying to live on this earth like us. But how could they live if we are killing them, using them for money, lipstick, perfume, they are being lead to there graveyards, extinction, and they don't even know that. We need to save these endangered species and not kill them so we can just use them, we need to save them by not destroying their habitat, by not leading them to their extinction, not hurting them, not harming them, not creating pollution, and not destroying their homes, there's a lot more, etc. Some specific examples from 4 different areas of the world about endangered species are: The African elephant lives in Africa and they are becoming endangered species due to their population being decreased and the humans are hunting them down and killing them for their tusks. In Asia the tiger(Panthera tigris), is becoming an endangered species due to being poached for their body parts to make traditional Asian medicine, while skins are also highly prized. Another example is the pacific walrus. The Arctic’s Bering and Chukchi Seas are home to the Pacific walrus. 200 dead walruses were spotted on the shore of the Chukchi Sea on Alaska's northwest coast. This creature is becoming endangered due to the Arctic ice melting they need the ice to rest, birthing and nursing calves, and for their protection. The last example is the Magellanic Penguin. They are found in Argentina and they are becoming endangered species due to oil spills, and climate change.
Exactly! What is the big deal about saving endangered species of this world? I mean, we ain't gonna live forever you know. So if humans are going to die, then we may as well take everything down with us as well. Tongan Ninja says that "we are pretty much nothing without particular species" but the truth is, "particular species" are pretty much nothing without us. I mean, if it wasn't for us, they would be long gone. Okay, so we may have started it but, that's how life rolls and you just have to roll with it. Tongan Ninja also mentions how endangered species provides humans with medication. This is true but not all are from endangered species and I'm pretty sure that if humans can build large cities, clone animals and fly off to space, then finding alternative sources for medicine will be no mean feat. Lets take a look at elephants. 1) Waste of space 2) Waste of time 3) So out of fashion! They don't have much use unless you need to crush someone to death in under 2 seconds. Tigers benefit humans by about 0% (fat free of course). I say, kill them all. I mean, they wouldn't look at an infant human child and say "ohhhhhh, look at the poor kid. Let's leave him alone before he becomes extinct". They'll jump straight to...to eating the kid!!! I mean, what are people trying to do these days. Animals are for humans to do whatever they wish to do to them so please please please stop this nonsense of "Save endangered animals". Charlee mentions a lot of things about why endangered species should be saved and I say, rubbish! (in a good way). Walrus are lazy fat brutes which eats up fish which could have been your daily $5.00 fish and chips so quit your moaning because it's worth it. And how about the 'Magellanic Penguin', I don't' know what Magellanic is but all I know is that penguins are also another 'Elephant' and should be extinct ages ago. What is the world coming to? When lamb chops run out, tiger burgers and penguin sausages will be next so don't worry about saving endangered species. As long as zoo's are OPEN, everything's fine. Just fine.
Endangered species if you didn't know are races (kinds) of Animals, Living creatures that dwindle in population numbers. Take for example Sumatran Tiger. These beasts thrived in numbers but now it has reached an all-time low. Numbers have dwindled from thousands to below a mere thousand, Due to poachers hunting them for their valuable fur.
Why should we save these species?
Plants and animals are responsible for a variety of useful medications. In fact, 40% of all prescriptions written today are composed from the natural compounds of different species. These species not only save lives, but they contribute to prospering pharmaceutical industries which in turn ensure the continuity of our species but at what cost?
Endangered species aren't just animals, they are also plants. There are over 80,000 edible plants in the world but the human population only depends upon 20 species to provide food. Endangered species of plant contains essential Disease-resistant material; which helps plant crops in inadequate landscapes/soil.
Those are just very few of the many reasons why we should save endangered species, because we are pretty much nothing without particular species.
I forgot to state examples of different species located in different parts of the world. One example is the Panda bear. It is Chinas national icon. These bears have come so close to extinction because of poachers. Panda bears can only have 2 cubs, and only 50% of the offspring survive birth, Most of the time due to the mother leaving one and taking another.
Another example of an endangered species is the well-known blue whale. It’s the biggest animal on earth; also the loudest but hardly ever heard and weighs up to hundreds of tonnes. The Japanese are the sole cause of this mass extermination of the blue whale, but it’s not only the blue whale; this is also for any other whale to cross paths with a Japanese whaling ship. Whale meat in japan is a delicacy because of the tender blubbery meat.
Last but not the most least is located in the hostile landscapes of the Antarctic, there exists a very predatory bear, the polar bear. The name is given to this bear because of its habitat being in the south "pole". This species of bear is at its peak due to global warming melting the ice caps, waste such as rubbish and water pollution drifting to the South Pole contaminating the waters for the bears and their food chain. Most of the species coming to a point where they are close to extinction is caused by the destructive nature of the human species.
The big deal about saving the endangered species in this world is balance. Everything's suppose to be balanced in the world, the same, freedom, no threat, no harm, no extinction. The animals have rights, freedom just like us. They are just a living soul like us trying to live on this earth like us. But how could they live if we are killing them, using them for money, lipstick, perfume, they are being lead to there graveyards, extinction, and they don't even know that. We need to save these endangered species and not kill them so we can just use them, we need to save them by not destroying their habitat, by not leading them to their extinction, not hurting them, not harming them, not creating pollution, and not destroying their homes, there's a lot more, etc. Some specific examples from 4 different areas of the world about endangered species are: The African elephant lives in Africa and they are becoming endangered species due to their population being decreased and the humans are hunting them down and killing them for their tusks. In Asia the tiger(Panthera tigris), is becoming an endangered species due to being poached for their body parts to make traditional Asian medicine, while skins are also highly prized. Another example is the pacific walrus. The Arctic’s Bering and Chukchi Seas are home to the Pacific walrus. 200 dead walruses were spotted on the shore of the Chukchi Sea on Alaska's northwest coast. This creature is becoming endangered due to the Arctic ice melting they need the ice to rest, birthing and nursing calves, and for their protection. The last example is the Magellanic Penguin. They are found in Argentina and they are becoming endangered species due to oil spills, and climate change.
Exactly! What is the big deal about saving endangered species of this world? I mean, we ain't gonna live forever you know. So if humans are going to die, then we may as well take everything down with us as well. Tongan Ninja says that "we are pretty much nothing without particular species" but the truth is, "particular species" are pretty much nothing without us. I mean, if it wasn't for us, they would be long gone. Okay, so we may have started it but, that's how life rolls and you just have to roll with it. Tongan Ninja also mentions how endangered species provides humans with medication. This is true but not all are from endangered species and I'm pretty sure that if humans can build large cities, clone animals and fly off to space, then finding alternative sources for medicine will be no mean feat. Lets take a look at elephants. 1) Waste of space 2) Waste of time 3) So out of fashion! They don't have much use unless you need to crush someone to death in under 2 seconds. Tigers benefit humans by about 0% (fat free of course). I say, kill them all. I mean, they wouldn't look at an infant human child and say "ohhhhhh, look at the poor kid. Let's leave him alone before he becomes extinct". They'll jump straight to...to eating the kid!!! I mean, what are people trying to do these days. Animals are for humans to do whatever they wish to do to them so please please please stop this nonsense of "Save endangered animals". Charlee mentions a lot of things about why endangered species should be saved and I say, rubbish! (in a good way). Walrus are lazy fat brutes which eats up fish which could have been your daily $5.00 fish and chips so quit your moaning because it's worth it. And how about the 'Magellanic Penguin', I don't' know what Magellanic is but all I know is that penguins are also another 'Elephant' and should be extinct ages ago. What is the world coming to? When lamb chops run out, tiger burgers and penguin sausages will be next so don't worry about saving endangered species. As long as zoo's are OPEN, everything's fine. Just fine.
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