Wednesday, May 11, 2011

L3 Global Tourism

What is Global Tourism and what changes are occuring worldwide?


tatai said...

Global Tourism looks at why some destinations are more attractiuve to different types of people. The differences may include, ethnicity, genders, physcho and allocentric people. For example, we try find out why in the 1990s Europe was the most prominent country at receiving tourists.

Things that are happening globally right now include, global warming, the wars in Syria.

Dean said...

global tourism is the study of places, where people go to visit. They go to find leisure or some go for business.
The changes in tourism so far are the number of people going over seas in the last 10 years. They have kept a record of this, that is how i know. And global tourism effects the worlds share market. the most popular places for tourists at the moment are Europe, east asia and also the south pacific were countries like hawaii , samoa, tongan and fiji are.

Ibanez said...

Global Tourism

Global tourism relates to the increasing numbers of tourists visiting many different countries around the globe. This also encompasses the people who travel outside their own comfort zones and their own countries to experience new destinations, seek other cultures and their activities and also experience new attractive atmospheres. Tourism has become a popular global leisure activity. For example, in 2008, there were over 922 million international tourist arrivals, with a growth of 1.9% as compared to 2007. One main change that is occuring world wide is that the amount of tourists travelling around the world are increasing in number annually.

Polly said...

Global tourism is about world tourism, where tourist travel around the world to destinations to seek other cultures and experiences which also increases number of tourist visiting their country.

Solomon said...

Global tourism are tourist who travel to other destinations to seek other cultures and experiences involving in activities and other attrsctive things. The changes made due to world tourism is that the people or tourist that travel thoughout the world increasing market shares for other countries and to discover for themselves the standard living of other countries.

Imelda said...

Global Tourism is travellers who travelled to other destination to seek experience and cultures also explore attractrions. Tourist travels for the purpose of recreational or leisure purposes or the provision of services to support this leisure travel, business also further education.
The change within the market share shows the increase number of tourist, attractions of different countries, commonly known the most popular country that attracted tourist is Europe. However this will depend on the money they have.

Unknown said...

Global Tourism relates to the Earth and about tourists travelling worldwide. Tourists travell worldwide too seek other cultures, visit different places or destinations or to see attractive activities. While these tourists are travelling worldwide Accomodation, Transport and Services will always be provided and available to them to make their visits possible and interesting. These tourists are also on travell for less than a year before going back to their homes.

Unknown said...

Global Tourism is about how people travel the world in order for them to know about the diffrent cultures and beliefs. There are two types of tourist in the world which are pyschocentric and allocentric tourist. Pyschocentric tourist are people who travel in groups and close to home. Allocentric tourist are people who can travel far from home and alone.

In some parts of the world tourist are increasing in numbers and in others tourist are decreasing due to criminal and so forth.
Europe still has a huge number of tourist visiting the country for over 10 years and is also increasing in market share. While America's number of tourist and also market share has decreased too.
There are alot happening in the world today which can decrease or increase number of tourist and market share.

Golden Age said...

The process of this growing problem affects global communities all over the world. Children are terrified. Adults are worried. Pets are fed. The destruction and havoc caused is... ohhhh, you mean global tourism? I thought you were talking about global terrorism.

"GLOBAL" and "TOURISM". The two words says it all. Global tourism refers to the travelers of the world whom travels for fun and to attain new experiences. Millions of tourist's around the globe visit's tropical places and even remote places to simply enhance their lifestyles. Who wants to work all year?

Because economies around the world have developed over the years, tourist attractions have multiplied thus drawing in more tourists. This results in changes as countries now rely on tourism to maintain its economy. Funding tourist attractions will be fundamental and countries will do anything to save its tourism industry whether good or bad. This leads to lack of awareness of what's happening to the world through global warming.

As more and more tourist's visit one destination, the more tourist's want to go there. You don't see people daydreaming of holidaying in Egypt but you do see people watering at the mouth to spend at least one day in Paris. The inequality of tourist distribution results in some economies reaping more and some missing out of what is rightfully theirs.

To be continued...